Birds and frogs

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Menor espécie de sapo do Brasil é registrada no ES, diz pesquisadora
The smallest frog of Brazil and second in the Southern Hemisphere, was first found in south of Espirito Santo, brazilian state, in Atilio Vivacqua district and recorded by the researcher's doctoral program in Ecology and Evolution of State University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ, Jane de Oliveira. The rare animal, as seen in the Atlantic Forest of Rio, will be part of a scientific publication in April.
Animales extraños y poco conocidos del planeta - Página 3
Vietnamese Mossy Frog (Theloderma corticale) | 404 - Page Cannot Be Found
This purple and gold frog was recently discovered in a remote mountainous region of Colombia. It's called the Golden Poison Frog of Supatá (Ranitomeya sp.)
Hypsiboas picturatus
File:Leptopelis vermiculatus2.jpg
Leptopelis vermiculatus. Big-eyed Tree Frog (juvenile).
Male poison arrow frog (Dendrobates macero)
Male poison arrow frog (Dendrobates macero)
60 New Species Discovered in South America | Earth Rangers: Where kids go to save animals!
Newly discovered species, the Cocoa frog (Hemigrammus aff. Ocellifer)
Prince Charles Stream Tree Frog (Hyloscirtus princecharlesi)