
31 Pins
End of the Year Student Gifts & Gift Tags - Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O'Block
Pet Cloud printable tag and poem
Where Do I Begin?
beautiful! This would be fun in the school garden or over on the early el side of the school!
Composition Classroom
Fun review game...students punch through their choice of cup to reveal a review question. Teacher also puts a treat or homework pass in some or all of the cups.
#door decs on Tumblr
Super inexpensive, just use the free paint chips from the store! desk dec| creative name tags
Stop Saying "You're So Smart" - Growth Mindset
Print this out. Studies have shown that telling kids they are smart, can actually cause them to not work as hard. Try this!
What is Minecraft & How to Teach Math With Minecraft
FREE Minecraft Math Worksheets - Debt Free Spending