glas paintning

96 Pins
Space Stained Glass Suncatchers
Make the space suncatchers from plastic plates or other clear plastic recyclables! Out-of-the-world craft for kids who are interested in cosmos.
Black Glue & Sharpies Butterfly Suncatcher
Want to make a cheery butterfly suncatcher craft with kids? It's easy if you make black glue and have on hand some sharpie markers and recyclables. Comes with a free printable template.
Welcome to Dover Publications
162 Traditional and Contemporary Designs for Stained Glass Projects 1 - Dover Publications
DIY Canvas Painting: Faux Stained Glass - Crafts Unleashed
Learn how to make your own beautiful and unique faux stained glass DIY canvas painting. The results are amazing and you can use any image that you'd like!
Cherry Blossom Andon - Delphi Artist Gallery
Cherry Blossom Andon - Light Up Our Gallery Entry - Delphi Artist Gallery
Арт Галерия Satto. Арт Студио. Витражи. Стъклописи. Рисувано стъкло. Рисунка върху стъкло. Витраж за хол, баня, кухня, трапезария, коридор. Стъклопис за мебели, врати, прозорци, витрини, преградни стени, тавани. Арт стъкло. Арт стъкла. Рисувани стъкла. Варна. Art Gallery Satto. Art Studio. Art Glass. Stained glass. Paintings.
рисувано стъкло
Tatiana S. Апельсиновое дерево для удачи. Витражная роспись 15/20см.
Витражная картина. Контуры, витражные краски, лента