Tant FTW

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Fighting Crime With Flipper
It was very convenient that Inez & Minnie's BFF anniversary coincided with Tippy's birthday.
Detroit 1966
Jan 66. Look at the cool record holder! We had one of those when I was a kid-our female persian cat would climb up and lay on the records!
Fierce Inez never passed by an opportunity to shake her groove thing in front of the youngsters.
women couch 1967
women couch 1967 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! It's like I'm looking at my aunts, etc. during a family gathering.
Back in the 1960's--my mother, Aunt & Grandmother having some fun during a family get together.
Eunice, Bernice and Lucy had no idea how to dress to hike the Appalachian Trail...
I don't know what you're griping about, Minnie. I love a good lei.