Greenhouse café

107 Pins
Mattor - Dahl Agenturer
Ultima Twist - Dahl Agenturer
Growing Vegetables At Home
Instructions for using a 3-20 gallon aquarium for setting up a small aquaponics system. (This could be a fun way to experiment growing greens hydroponically.)
Wondering how to pick out a pump? This quick guide will help you understand the most important parts of an aquaponics pump! Aquaponics Pumps
Introduction to Shelfponics
Shelfponics: The folks at created an aquaponics system using a utility shelving unit with the shelves snapped in upside down. Brilliant!
Rooftop Farming: the Next American Frontier
Green Sky Growers 1
down to earth
fantastic aquaponic how-to w/ lots of photos!
Acuaponía, combinación de acuicultura e hidroponía (producción vegetal en cultivo sin suelo), es el nombre que recibe el sistema integrado de producción de peces, frutas y verduras que han desarroll...
Aquaponic system with blue tilapia and hanging plants ('The Lab' Orlando, FL)