Urban Parks and City Squares

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Four Seasons
The Four Seasons sun parasol is a sturdy year-round design that deflects the heat of the sun and provides shelter from the rain.
Sigill Park Bench
Sigill is a park bench for the future that builds on the design styles of the past. The design is unique in its broken surface that angles two parts of the seat towards each other.
Kebne Outdoor Gym
The Kebne outdoor gym consists of five free-standing fitness units for strength training and stretching. Each of the five modules is designed for exercises that use the individual’s own body weight as a counterweight for resistance training.
Akalla Shading Structure and Shelter
Akalla is a shading structure with oiled oak beams supported by black steel posts. A version with a plywood parts is available to provide support for a roof of corrugated metal, plastic or sedum.