ståltråd skulpturer

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Wire Self Portrait
Good technique for wire portrait sculptures, or draw over face on transparency to make a monoprint...
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giraffe wire art. COOL! Good idea for a contour drawing of a face
Wire sculpture Face
Explore Travis Burr's photos on Flickr. Travis Burr has uploaded 199 photos to Flickr.
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Copper Wire Spider Wood Stained Polyurethane Handmade Unique Gothic Home Decor Halloween Sculpture Creepy Insect Web Predator Hunter Poison
Wire sculpture Face
They use the wire to make the contour lines to outline the face. Travis Schmidt
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'Favourite Food' - Continuous line drawing of a cat. Love it! Great fun.
Exquisite Wire
Neat bracelet idea would be to make these in the shape of city skylines...somebody get on it!
Káprázatos alkotások drótból - Színes Ötletek
drót dróthajlítás wire art
Sculpture en fil de fer "Sous mon arbre" n°003
Sculpture en fil de fer "Sous mon arbre" n°003 Plus
石川源事務所の公式ホームページ・My Art
Wire work exhibition by Minato Ishikawa.