The Beauty was The Beast all along

This may contain: a small crab on top of a table with a green ball in it's mouth
Краб кушает виноградик
This may contain: a brown and white dog digging in the dirt with its head inside a tree stump
This may contain: a person holding a tiny insect in their hand
-VK Clips - Этот удивительный мир @amazing_fauna • Gothic hawk moth (Acherontia atropos)
a mysterious creature of the night, is one of the most unusual and mysterious butterflies. It got its name due to the characteristic pattern on the head, which resembles a human skull. Large butterfly, wingspan can reach 13 cm. The death hawk is a nocturnal insect. During the day it hides in remote places and at night it goes out in search of food. The main food of adults is flower nectar, but they can also feed on the juice of overripe fruits.... The sound resembles the squealing of a mouse and is used to scare away predators. In some cultures, the death hawk moth is associated with death and misfortune. His unusual appearance and nocturnal lifestyle are to blame...