
210 Pins
Картины, живопись, постеры, вышивка, рамки. | Магазин миниатюры - Мини Арт Хауc
Good Sam Showcase of Miniatures
fairy treehouse 1:44 scale
Tree House, The Enchanted Wood photo via ilaurens
Miniature Fairy Garden Solar Flower Pot Home - Double Pot | PlowHearth
Oh, my we love these fairy houses that light up at night when the fairies come home! Miniature Fairy Garden Solar Flower Pot Home
I made doors & I've still got all my fingers :o) or just - 'how to make doors' !
How to make doors with Popsicle sticks - love how Wendie explains things and she's a Disc World fan :-).
By Hook and Thread
Fairy house
Fairy Garden: Expand and Furnish
fairy garden
Trinkets, Treasures & Treats, autumn-wood-nymphh: ..Follow for all things...
Fairy home