39 Pins
Nonsense Society - Chris Collins Creative
Unusual Beauty - Photography by Stefan Giftthaler - Nonsense Society
An 18-Foot, 60-Ton Girl Holds Up The Ocean In The World's Largest Ever Underwater Sculpture
This stunning 18-feet-tall, 60-ton underwater sculpture of Bahamian girl carrying the weight of the ocean in Nassau, Bahamas.
uplifting fallen Humanity
The Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple chapter speaking on the woman, the Moabitess
The Citrus Report - Find It Here Now!
We just came across this work from Russian artist Boris Indrikov. Is is an crazy combination of classic, Art Nouveau and even some Surrealistic imagery all at once. The work is definitely something different which is nice to find once in a while.
alphonse mucha – Century Guild
"Lead Us Not Into Temptation But Deliver Us From Evil" by Alphonse Mucha (1899, lithograph).