
98 Pins
Letter Writing in Sprinkles Tray * ages 3-5 ⋆ Raising Dragons
Sensory writing trays are such a great way to practice letter writing and sprinkles make everything extra fun! #preschool #homeschool #kindergarten #homeschooling #prek #sensory
Schneeflocken-Basteln mit Holzspateln
Basteln zur Weihnachtszeit. Das gehört einfach zusammen und diese wunderschönen Schneeflocken aus Holzspateln sind eine schnelle und tolle Bastelidee für Zwischendurch. - Basteln mit Kindern - Weihnachtszeit - Adventszeit - Winter -
A Week- Ant Craft and Snack
I found this super cute egg carton ant craft and knew Trip would like it. I got out some black paint and cut an egg carton into three-c...
Challenge and Discover: Build a Bridge | Inspiration Laboratories
How to Build a Cardboard Bridge and the Challenge and Discover link up. We challenge you to build a bridge with your kids and share what you did!
My Blog – My WordPress Blog
street signs Cut out the signs Glue signs to popsicle sticks Cut slots on the bottle caps (this is the hard part, PLEASE be careful!) Insert popsicle stick signs into the bottle cap stands
Leaves and Letterboxing
We headed out for a letterboxing adventure at a park in the middle of town this week. Everyone was tired, showing the early signs of the c...
Paper Plate Marble Track - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls
Use the rims of paper plates to make a marble track!