
366 Pins
PROJECTOR SEWING! Anytime I share a reel with my projector in it, I get so many questions about it so here are all the details. I use an Epson ultra short projector (model- Brightlink 485Wi), and I hook it up to my laptop using a USB-C cable. There’s also special software I downloaded so that my projector connects to my laptop. I chose an ultra short projector because my set up lends itself to one. I have a shelf right beside my cutting table where it can sit and it projects a very large area...
This may contain: a person with their hand on the back of his jacket
#манжет #интересныйманжет #шитье #шитьедляначинающих #шитьеикрой #лайфхаки #кройкаишитье
This may contain: a person is holding onto a pink t - shirt on a mannequin's head
Длина горловины
This may contain: a woman standing in front of a white wall with her arms out and an umbrella over her head
This may contain: a person holding onto a black object with one hand and another hand reaching out for it
Those gloves are made for snapping 😭
This may contain: blue ribbon on white background with words in russian and english above the image is an advertismal message
Более 1000 бесплатных выкроек на канале в телеграмм. Ссылка в описании профиля
Сайт который делает бесплатно выкройку по твоим меркам #inonecopy #швея #портной