*^* the romantic movement *^* f.schubert & c.d.friedrich & soul *^*

The Romantic Movement:Platon,Apollon,the voice of the night...
108 Pins
Alex Katz - Summer Flowers II Shows: Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza in Madrid/Spain
Alex Katz Pop Art Print / Multiples: Flowers Ii 2017
The Collectors List on Instagram: “#rudolfstingel #currentshow #fondationbeyeler #basel @fondationbeyeler Until October 6, 2019 // RUDOLF STINGEL, UNTITLED, 2013 Oil and…”
Friedrich Kunath | Blum & Poe - Let Loose, 2016-2017 - Oil on canvas - 64 1/2 x 46 1/2 x 2 1/4 inches framed