comida divertida

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Bolo de brigadeiro
Prepare a massa: bata 2 xícaras (chá) de açúcar com as gemas, depois adicione o óleo, 3/4 de xícara (chá) de achocolatado dissolvido na água morna e, por último, a farinha. Bate bem a massa, retire da batedeira ejunte as claras batidas em neve. Misture delicadamente e acrescente o fermento em pó. Leve para assar […]
29 Breakfasts Too Adorable to Eat
29 Breakfasts Too Adorable to Eat - Mommy Shorts
29 Breakfasts Too Adorable to Eat
29 Breakfasts Too Adorable to Eat - Mommy Shorts
29 Breakfasts Too Adorable to Eat
There is not much cooking required. It's pretty much all presentation and anybody who can cut a banana can do it.
29 Breakfasts Too Adorable to Eat
29 Breakfasts Too Adorable to Eat - Mommy Shorts
29 Breakfasts Too Adorable to Eat
29 Breakfasts Too Adorable to Eat - Mommy Shorts
29 Breakfasts Too Adorable to Eat
29 Breakfasts Too Adorable to Eat - Mommy Shorts
29 Breakfasts Too Adorable to Eat
29 Breakfasts Too Adorable to Eat - Mommy Shorts
29 Breakfasts Too Adorable to Eat
29 Breakfasts Too Adorable to Eat - Mommy Shorts
29 Breakfasts Too Adorable to Eat
There is not much cooking required. It's pretty much all presentation and anybody who can cut a banana can do it.
29 Breakfasts Too Adorable to Eat
29 Breakfasts Too Adorable to Eat - Mommy Shorts