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TOILET PAPER DERBY 🐎 try this one at your next family dinner- it’s a hoot 😂😂 ➡️➡️ HOW TO PLAY -Grab a roll of toilet paper for each participant -Place an object of choice (ours was plastic miniature horses) on one end of the toilet paper -Unravel the toilet paper across a table (kitchen islands work great too!) -Each participant holds the toilet paper roll opposite of their object -On start each player tries to safely get their object as close to the end of the table as possible without th...
Ida och Malin on Instagram: "~ Jullek ~ Vem hinner ta flest mini marshmallows på 30 sekunder 🤭 Tagga någon du vill utmana 💪 🎅 Det kommer mer! Glöm inte FÖLJA OSS för fler lektips inför jul och nyår 🎅 • • • • #jullek #jullekar #julinspiration #jul #jul2023 #julen2023 #Julmys #Julskoj #godislek #godis #roligt #lektips #festlek #lekar #roligalekar #roliglek #roligaktivitet #julaktivitet #nyår #nyårslek #nyårslekar #skratta #skrattfest"