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Pošta – doc. RNDr. Katarína Kimáková CSc. – Outlook
vocabulary 2
"Double Back Stitch" -- This may be the same stitch that was used on the items that I pinned made in Mexico in the "traditional Mazahua" style or method. (This looks like it might be more complicated and more dense though.)
Blossom Tree on Blue, 2
All sizes | Blossom Tree on Blue, 2 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Embroidery Stitches For Leaves : Fishbone Stitch and Variations - 2
Royce's Hub: Embroidery Stitches For Leaves : Fishbone Stitch and Variations - 2
Boden Clothing for Women and Kids
Pretty!!! Not sure if it's curtains, bed sheets or table cloth..... But I love it
Blanket stitch leaves - part one
Anna Scott : Blanket stitch leaves - part one
I � crazy quilting & embroidery . . . beautiful, Fan 2 - Crazy patchwork wall quilt. 26 x 32 inches ~By marcie carr @ Juxtapost.com
Crazy quilting & embroidery ~ By Marcie Carr