Animation Inspiration

Alex is A Nerd
anatoref: Smoke Animation ReferenceTop Image: by Alex RedfishRow 2Row 3 & 4Row 5: (Sources Unknown)Bottom Image
Software News
Six illustrators reveal how to turn artworks into fun, charming, powerful or hilarious animated GIFs in Photoshop or After Effects.
Camping Travel Landscape
Hello, Dribble! Happy to get there and big thanks to @Kshitij Choudhary for invite. I am vector illustrator from Belarus. Interested in travel and flat design illustration. Hope you will like thi...
this is my first attempt on autoral motion graphics @Riley Hoonan thank you so much for the invitation!
Videos Ida Andersson likes on Vimeo
SickFrog. Flash/After Effects Sound Design: Yann Cleophas (Studio CLEOPHAS) /