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Uppland - Adelsö - Björkö Hemlanden - vikingatid - inventarienummer historiska 34000 undernummer Bj965
Rune stone, Tungelsta, Södermanland, Sweden
Rune stone, Tungelsta, Södermanland, Sweden | by Swedish National Heritage Board
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Penannular brooch. Gilded bronze. The brooch is made in Borre-style, with its distinctive ring braid and animal ornamentation. Grave find, Björkö, Adelsö, Uppland, Sweden. SHM 34000:Bj 581
Weapon-knife with shaft
Weapon-knife with shaft in bronze and wood, a Viking stab and puncture weapon, The Swedish History Museum
"The real questions, the interesting questions: what does it mean that the warrior in the Birka grave 581 was a female? Was she unique, or did she represent a category of women that has been largely relegated to mythology?" — Holly Norton, The Guardian
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gorgeous metal top for viking cone hat, from Birka. At Historiska museet
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Silver hat terminal from Birka (Historiska Museet)