
12 Pins
Haegue Yang’s symphony of blinds rises through the vast foyer of Paris’s Centre Pompidou
Haegue Yang’s symphony of blinds rises through the vast foyer of Paris’s Centre Pompidou - News - Frameweb
Sou Fujimoto
sou fujimoto's geometric naoshima pavilion. seven meter polyhedron, constructed using a white stainless steel mesh
手描き友禅のきもの「純金箔 赤富士 !!」 | 綵花工房 富士山染めアート/手描き友禅/着物/のれん/プリズム染め [静岡県御殿場市]
金沢(西茶屋街) Nikon D200 - 別館「番長」のお蔵出し
Kanazawa (Nishi-Kaya-cho) Nikon D200: Outbreak of annex "Bancho"
のれん紀行44 季節を染めあげ通りを照らす 大極殿本舗栖園の弥生暖簾(のれん) | 加藤わ呼三度笠書簡
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Collector & Co
kyoto / yann LDY