I work out

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Saturday Morning Work-Out Inspiration: Our Killer
I N S P I R A T I O N: Damn the weather if it stops me from hitting the road.
Mental Toughness and the Law Of Attraction
This site lets you click on a body part to find out all the workouts you can do for it. Awesome!
9 Body-Positive Quotes to Boost Your Self-Esteem
I've heard it told that the hate of one's body is what causes people to exercise. This always seemed so backed up to me.
Why don't you look like a fitness model? - STUMPTUOUS.COM
"Skinny" is not a sensible goal. "Healthy" and "Fit" are worthwhile goals. This looks different on different people.
Any BODY can do yoga! (I love this photo, usually the only yoga photos are of thin people which stereotypes yoga. This should never be the situation. Yoga is for EVERYONE!)
PICTORIAL: The 5 Best Kettlebell Exercises - WorldLifestyle
5 Best Kettlebell Exercises -- burn calories SO fast! | http://www.worldlifestyle.com/fitness/5-amazing-kettlebell-exercises
Evaluating Gold IRA Companies - Apaperproposal
I did my first kettlebell routine yesterday, which looked similar to this for 30mins. My glutes & thighs are in so much pain today, strangely enough, but apparently it's normal. I like pain.
6 Kettlebell Glute Exercises to Swing and Squat Your Way to a Stronger Butt
Kettlebell Exercises For Weight Loss Photo 3
These Kettlebell Exercises Will Tone You Up From Head to Toe
^_^ Got my 10lb Kettlebell today, time to kick it into overdrive :D 3 week Kettlebell Challenge? I think yes :) DO IT-- no excuses because you can do these with a dumbbell as well!!! (this WON'T make you bulky women!!! You need the muscle to burn more fat, trust me!!!)