Minoan Crete

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MINOAN SNAKE GODDESS - The Vaults of Time - MAMA Gift Shop
MINOAN SNAKE GODDESS - The Vaults of Time - MAMA Gift Shop ...
Pictures of Greece - Heraklion-Knossos-0052 - Minoan pottery, Archeological Museum
Minoan pottery, Archeological Museum
Art Object | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
1750-1525 B.C. Excavated 1901 north of the Loomweight Basement at Knossos. Inlays of ivory, rock crystal, and glass paste, and was decorated with kyanos blue as well as gold and silver sheetmetal, on a wooden base. Four ivory gaming pieces with engraved bases were found nearby and are associated with it. This is the most complex and best preserved gaming board to survive from Minoan Crete. Although, the details of how the game was played are not known, it may well have had a ritual context.
Minoan artifact. Note the saffron crocus decoration
Vaginal Health – Multi-Gyn
The first recorded water closet in history is from King Minos of Crete and that was over 2800 years ago.
Minoan (Knossos, ca. 1600 BCE) gaming board with inlays of ivory, rock crystal, and glass paste on wood base covered in gold and silver leaf. Heraklion Museum.
Minoan Bronze Age frescos inside Building B, Akrotiri of Thera, of two young boxers and antelope. Courtesy & currently located at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens. Photo taken by Marsyas
Cretan ritual Rhyton Vessel | Hellenic Art
Greek Pottery :: Minoan Pottery :: Cretan ritual Rhyton - This rhyton features a flower motive. Ritual rhyta were used during religious processions and libations. About 1460 B.C. Archaeological Museum of Heraklion, Greece
Minoan Cretan ritual Rhyton | Hellenic Art
Greek Pottery :: Minoan Pottery :: Cretan ritual Rhyton - This rhyton is made in the marine style. In this style, the tendency to zoning is dropped and a new repertoire of sea-creatures is introduced. Corals, seaweed and sponges over the whole vase were one of the most successful in Cretan art. 1200 BC. National Archaelogical Museum, Athens.
W. Sheppard Baird's Official Art Gallery
Minoan Flying Fish Fresco Art from Phylakopi, Milos, Greece
Minoan flower vase
Minoan flower vase by manowitz, via Flickr
Fresco With Motifs Of Spring -- From the Bronze-age excavation of the Minoan town of Akrotiri on the Island of Santorini, Greece -- National Archaeological Museum -- Athens, Greece