
16 Pins
Eclipse Abracadabra: Manifesting Love During the Lunar Eclipse — The Hoodwitch
During today’s powerful Super Blue Blood Lunar Eclipse in Leo, you have the opportunity to work with two polarities of energy: releasing the past and bringing in the new!
Create dynamic edits, curate your gallery and immerse yourself in inspiring and motivating content.
Imagen de fantasy, art, and magic
Hexen Fan Concept art - Menelkir, Yann Blomquist
Some fan creature reworks for one of my favorite games from 1995, Hexen. This is (spoilers?) one of the three, second to last bosses to the game Hexen. the game manual describes menelkir as having traded their planet for power and eternal life.
Cachet ☠ 🪳 (@piratecashoo) on X
An old man and his cat. A pic of Vroscaz for the Colorado Festival of Horror coloring book, except I decided to color it! Will also be a print for #DiNK2019pic.twitter.com/GivuFJ7QD5