18 Pins
My Owl Barn
Animals made with leaves #3 - How much fun would this be to do with kids - Maybe… | The official home for all things Disney
Handprint Tree: This autumn tree activity would provide a creative opportunity…
Top 31 Amazing DIY Paintings For Your Blank Walls
Mit Ölkreide Umriss malen, mit Wassermalfarben ausmalen - schöne…
DIY Parachutes (and the Science Behind How they Work)
Relentlessly Fun, Deceptively Educational: DIY Parachutes (and the Science Behind How they Work)
Diy Clothespin Airplanes Tutorials - Hotdiytutorial
Create craft love - vliegtuigje van knijper en ijsstokje knutselen. Airplanes from clothespins and popsicle sticks
Diy Paint Brush - Natural Paint Brushes Even Kids Can Make!
Making your own nature paint brushes is easy, fun and free! It will get you and your kids out in the nature and kids will have a blast collecting natural materials - And pine needles make fantastic brushes!
Popsicle Stick Bird House #2 Easy Birdhouse made out of colored craft sticks (Popsicle Sticks) hot glue, & ribbon cost about $2 to make
How to Make a Super Cool Lemon Battery with Household Items
Kids Science Fair Project: Make a Lemon Battery {Science for Kids}