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43 Pins
it just has to be debussy's Clair de Lune : jag saknar, så mycket, Er och min värld i världen här inne, - ...
Mindful Pixels A Creative Market Shop
Mandala Logo Creator: Get this logo template design for your next branding project!
Scarification Our bodies our ink
Want a tattoo of the energy symbol behind my ear- reminds me that energy flows through everything. Its what keeps us going and what causes the amazing things in this world that happen.
The Witch's Knot: (also known as the Witch's Charm or Magic Knot) It is comprised of four interlocking vesica piscis shapes. The Witch's Knot can also be found with a central circle. This symbol can be drawn in one continuous line, meaning that one can draw the Witch Knot without ever having to pick up the pen off the paper. This makes it a symbol of protection.