"Be Prepared"

Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst. Living off the grid...Surviving natures fury, emergency kits, finding food, food storage, fire, staying warm and cooking, finding shelter and water filtration.......
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Foraging and using healthful elderberries and elderflowers, from: http://ouroneacrefarm.com/foraging-for-elderberries/
Fiddlehead Fern and Potato Hash
Fiddlehead Fern and Potato Hash. A source of vitamins A and C, fiddleheads are like a cross between asparagus and green beans. For a stand-alone meal, top each serving with a poached egg.
Lamb's Quarter/Goosefoot/Pigweed
Edible weeds - foragingtexas.com - don't discourage weeds, eat them! This one is lambsquarter.
WillowHavenOutdoor Survival Skills - Learn survival skills.
Creek’s Survival Fall Harvest: Mullein, Yucca & Milkweed
Andy's northern Ontario Native Wildflowers - waste areas 2
Milk-weed is usually found from late spring and through summer in dry, open soil along roadsides, fences, and fields. It cab be used as a cooked vegetable, potherb, sugar, and to make chewing-gum. Young leaves can be washed and the prepared like spinach. The shoots can be prepared like asparagus after rubbing them in your hands to remove their wool. The seed-pods can be boiled and served with meat, or boiled in salted water, with a little soda, and then canned. ...A favorite of Monarch but...
Milkweed Recipe - Milkweed Pods and Chickpea Salad
Milkweed & Chickpea salad-- Mid summer is the time to gather the small, soft seed pods of the common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) in open fields. Milkweed tends to grow in large colonies, and is an important food source for many butterflies and their caterpillars, like the Monarch. Between July and the end of August, the flowers have all passed, and the seed pods are in various stages of growth, often many different sizes on each plant. Very small pods, about a half inch long are good ...
WillowHavenOutdoor Survival Skills - Learn survival skills.
Mullein - 4 Fire Making Tools In One Plant