Health and Fitness

Free spreadsheet templates and printable health and fitness logs.
22 Pins
Printable Workout Log
If you're into weight training, this free printable workout log can help you create and stick to a training schedule.
Printable Exercise Log
For fitness buffs who like to keep organized and track their progress, and haven't found a mobile app yet. :-)
Medication List Template
Are your medications getting a little complicated to keep track of? This medication list template might help.
Printable Immunization Schedule
In case your health care provider never gave you a form to track your immunizations, you can use this free spreadsheet template.
Food Log Template
Sometimes just the act of having to track what you eat and drink helps you improve (the observer effect).
Printable Grocery List Template
Using a grocery list rather than impulse buying is a helpful way to stay healthy. If it's not around to eat, it's less likely to be eaten.
Weekly Meal Planner
Plan your meals using a free printable meal planner worksheet, from There are a few different layouts and designs to choose from.