
20 Pins
Galeria de Centro de Saúde de Porreres / MACA Estudio de Arquitectura - 4
Centro de Saúde de Porreres MACA Estudio de Arquitectura Maiorca/Espanha
ZAC Seguin, Boulogne-Billancourt - Pictures
ZAC Seguin, Boulogne-Billancourt by Hamonic+Masson & Associés in Paris…
Switch Building / nArchitects
7 storey apartment and art gallery in NYC, Switch Building by nArchitects #architecture
Gallery of KURO Building / KINO Architects - 1
KURO Building by KINO Architects, Tokyo, Japan - The black shade overlaps panels of a concrete which painted different black, and gives various expression to the building.
Weiner Residence: Not your average NY townhouse - Modern Architecture
Facade with protruding windows (please add architect credits if you know them. Thanks, @Whitney Schuetz Steininger)
SAVILLEKNIGHT - archatlas: New Building Hospitalhof...
DETAILS ORIENTED by shape+space
DETAILS ORIENTED by shape+space Gorgeous window details with a lot of potential for expansion
Articles about light filled renovation brings cohesion san francisco home on Dwell.com
Modern renovation in San Francisco with street facade