
17 Pins
Ask a man what he does to protect against sexual assault. Then ask a woman...
YASS!!! However this is in certain cases hopefully your parents and peers are normal enough to let you do your own thing and fuck em otherwise
Beauty Is Inside added a new photo. - Beauty Is Inside
"Boys in school need to be taught that it doesn't matter if the girl next to them is in a bikini or a burqa, it's their job to learn algebra regardless, and how she's dressed has nothing to do with them"
If every woman in the world woke up tomorrow and decided that she loved herself and loved her body just the way it is, how many industries would go out of business?
Differing reactions based on the gender of the story teller - If it's a woman it's her fault, if it's a man, it's the woman's fault.
Ready America 72 Hour Deluxe Emergency Kit, 4-Person 3-Day Backpack, First Aid Kit, Survival Blanket, Power Station, Emergency Food, Portable Disaster Preparedness Go-Bag for Earthquake, Fire, Flood
North Carolina bathroom bill, discrimination against transgender people