
Utilizing plants to increase and improve food, nutrition, medicine, fibers, fuels and other products
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Home | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Soils and vegetation have a reciprocal relationship. Fertile soil encourages plant growth by providing plants with nutrients, acting as a water holding tank, and serving as the substrate to which plants anchor their roots. In return, vegetation, tree cover and forests prevent soil degradation and desertification by stabilizing the soil, maintaining water and nutrient cycling, and reducing water and wind erosion.
Home | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Functional soils play a key role in the supply of clean water and resilience to floods and droughts. Water infiltration through soil traps pollutants and prevents them from leaching into the groundwater. Moreover, the soil captures and stores water, making it available for absorption by crops, and thus minimizing surface evaporation and maximizing water use efficiency and productivity.
Home | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Our soils are by nature linked to the micronutrient content of our food production. The poster shows how to reverse the increasing trend of nutrient depleted soil by adopting sustainable soil management practices.
Plant Science Research
Plant Science Research
Unleashing a Decade of Innovation in Plant Science: A Vision for 2015-2025