Studio Ghibli

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Early History of Nausicaa ===== Miyazaki was fascinated with Beauty & the Beast. This shifted to a princes in a castle with a crazy father, connected with the concept of the Windrider, & eventually became Nausicaa
Early History of Nausicaa ===== Miyazaki was fascinated with Beauty & the Beast. This shifted to a princes in a castle with a crazy father, connected with the concept of the Windrider, & eventually became Nausicaa ===== Notes: The princess, the heroine of this story, was at first a much more voluptuous character than I had previously drawn. She had a dog she'd grown up with that had strong feelings for her.
Images Drawn for the Nausicaa Motion Picture ===== Released in March of 1984 - image boards, tapestries drawn for the opening, etc ===== Notes: I first drew a rough sketch, & then someone else transferred it onto the cloth. We stiffened the cloth with undercoat paint, & then painted on top of that with watercolors. The style was derived from the mule my head had made of paintings in art history textbooks & the Bayeux tapestries.
Images Drawn for the Nausicaa Motion Picture ===== Released March 1984 - image boards, tapestries drawn for the opening, etc ===== Notes: These are image boards for the Valley of the Wind. The windmills I'd wanted to use in the manga weren't the revolving windmills, but old windmills, like the ones in China, with cloth propped up on a vertical shaft == Views of the Valley of the Wind
Early History of Nausicaa ===== Miyazaki was fascinated with Beauty & the Beast. This shifted to a princes in a castle with a crazy father, connected with the concept of the Windrider, & eventually became Nausicaa ===== Notes: At 1 point, I started thinking about a story with the daughter of a small country's king finding herself shouldering the country's fate when her father grew sick. That father may once have been a great man, but now he is old & losing his mind.
Early History of Nausicaa ===== Miyazaki was fascinated with Beauty & the Beast. This shifted to a princes in a castle with a crazy father, connected with the concept of the Windrider, & eventually became Nausicaa ===== Notes: By this time, the story had taken on a very different shape. The princess was still shouldering the destiny of her country, but the heroine's appearance was beginning to change, evolving into Yara, Wind Master.
Images Drawn for the Nausicaa Motion Picture ===== Released in March of 1984 - image boards, tapestries drawn for the opening, etc ===== Notes: I first drew a rough sketch, & then someone else transferred it onto the cloth. We stiffened the cloth with undercoat paint, & then painted on top of that with watercolors. The style was derived from the mule my head had made of paintings in art history textbooks & the Bayeux tapestries.
Illustrations done for the Nausicaa manga ===== Manga began running in monthly 'Animage' in Feb. 1982, collected in order of appearance ===== Notes: Drawing pictures like this, which have nothing to do with the story, doesn't really excite me. I was asked to do this well after the movie was finished & personally, once the movie ends, it all ends as far as I'm concerned. So I can't say my heart was really in this one.