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Marvelous Architecture around the World !!! - Part...
Marvelous Architecture around the World !!! - Part 2 - Kring Kumho Culture Complex.
Xiamen Eton Center North Tower, Xiamen, China designed by NBBJ Architects :: 51 floors, height 229m
˚Houses - Sar Agha Seyed Village, Zagros Mountains„Charmahal Bakhtiari,Iran روستای سرآقاسید ,چهارمحال و بختیاری,ایران by Mohammadreza Momeni
Natures Doorways
The pointy top and glass panes add so much character to this old world front door
Sana'a, Yemen
May those who wander these streets of Sana'a find the path to the Savior's home for all eternity.
Gruppo industriale specializzato in soluzioni ceramiche all’avanguardia
Jean Nouvel and the One Central Park green homes in Sydney
50 - The Minerva Building
City of London - The Minerva Building #architecture ☮k☮
Arch Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia Architect: Tom Wright with Geku George [Futuristic Architecture:]